#三藩市舊金山職位 SWT 2023 工作職位: 【Team Member – Boudin Bakery, San Francisco, CA】
#上屆參加者極力推介 #想要去三藩市的不要錯過 #明媚的陽光 #漁人碼頭 #斯坦福大學 #矽谷 #蒙特雷水族館 #SanFrancisco
如果你去過三藩市 (舊金山) 旅遊的話,你一定不會對Boudin Bakery感到陌生! 那個每個旅客必到的漁人碼頭,都會對這家擁有奇形怪狀的面包感到好奇。三藩市 (舊金山) 的漁人碼頭最有名的就是他們家的特色酸面包跟他們的周打蜆湯!
地點: 160 Jefferson Street, San Francisco, CA.
住宿: 自己安排
英語程度要求: Advanced
工作開始日期: 5/18, 5/25, 6/8, 5/15, 5/22 /2023
工作結束日期: 被指定
$16.99 USD / hour
operate cash registers, handle American currency, credit card transactions, wait on customers; stocking, cleaning, etc.
Assist servers with all food service, clear dirty tables & re-set, help clean restaurant each night.
clean, wash, & stock restaurant supplies, maintain a clean work area. Wash pots & pans by hand in hot water, use dishwashing machine for glasses, dishes, & cutlery.
assisting customers with their orders, preparing the food items, and ensuring their orders are completed accurately.
ensure displays are full and items are organized and in their correct spot, help with the flow of customers waiting in line, help customers with their purchases of items and bread selection.
Espresso Bar:
baristas must prepare all drinks as requested, handle cash register and ensure customer needs are met.
【立刻收看 SWT專訪快訊 – Choi Yong : 曾留學東岸一年的90後大四生:初嘗西岸國際大城市生活,為你揭秘美國飲食業工作秘辛!
*****Summer Work & Travel (SWT) 2023 報名來了*****
【工作選項先到先得!!】Go Abroad USA 會幫你安排妥當! 還不快點開始你的夢想之旅?
Program Briefing (Program簡介資料):
立即在Go Abroad USA官方網站登記:
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