美國短期本地社區工作生活體驗計劃 (STEP) 是一項由可讓參加者於美國本地社區機構進行志願者服務工作, 與本地寄宿家庭同住的短期文化體驗計劃。參加者可透過STEP初體驗一下美國的工作生活、練習英語、結交本地美國人朋友、學習美國本地文化。參加者是使用B1/B2 短期探訪者簽證進行。參加者可最少參加1個月; 最多參加3個月時間。參加資格只需具備基本英語溝通能力, 並不受工作經驗及學歷要求所限。 Duration: 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, or 12 weeks 適合以下人士參加: 📚 高中或大專以上, 並沒有太多社會工作經驗之在讀學生 🌐 想透過短期外國生活認識外國人朋友鍛鍊日常英語之人士 🎨 對藝術、教育、時尚設計、媒體傳播、醫療領域沒有太多知識或工作經驗,但有興趣接觸這些範疇工作之人士 ⏳ 因學校或工作假期太短,但又想出國短期體驗工作生活之人士 有興趣者請瀏覽, 下載 Program 詳情資料 (Program Briefing): STEP Program Briefing詳細介紹 ***************************** If you are interested in Summer Work & Travel Program 2024 and would like to know more information about the application of the program, Fill out the registration form online and email us (info@goabroadusa.com) for any concerns or questions. We will then review your basic qualifications and notify you on whether you meet the program requirements. We will also be offering you advice about joining the program. Without obligation and free of charge. #1 Full Name: #2 Nickname/English Name: #3 Where are you from (country/area)? #4 Birthday: #5 Have you received a Bachelor's degree in a University? YesNo #6 If you have NOT graduated yet, when are you graduating? #7 Which university did you graduate from / enrolled at? #8 What major did you study / studying now? #9 Please briefly describe your working experience before and after your graduation (e.g. what job did you do, how long have you done it, Full time or Part Time, etc.). #10 Have you traveled to the US before? YesNo #11 If you traveled to the U.S. before, what did you do? And what kind of visa are holding now? #12 Do you have a B1/B2 tourist visa now? YesNo #13 Have you tried to live in other countries OUTSIDE your home country before (stayed for at least 20 days)? YesNo #14 Please briefly describe the reasons/motivation you want to join Short Term Enrichment Program. #15 What are your expectations for your program? #16 When is your earliest available date of coming to the U.S. / start your program? #17 How long do you want to stay for your program? 4 weeks8 weeks12 weeksOther #18 Please state that what day in a week & what time in a day will be available for attending a pre-application Skype interview. #19 Skype ID (if any - write N/A if none) #20 Facebook Registration Email Address #21 Contact Email Address #22 Contact Phone Number #23 #29 How did you find us? (required) Google SearchFacebook AdsInstagram AdsReferred by a friendUniversity Email/ReferralOther: #24 If you have searched by Google/Social Media, what keywords did you put in for your search? If you didn't do search to find us, please put N/A. #25 Student ID card / Passport / ID card Thanks for contacting us! If you have any concerns or questions, email: info@GoAbroadUSA.com. We will review your qualification & reply you for the result as soon as possible.